Saturday, May 15, 2010

Best Joomla Forms Handler

This one is worth the money and we love the new features.  It really uses the power of MySQL, PHP, Excel (csv), and Joomla.
Very easy interface for your non-tech end users too.

1. Introducing RSTickets!Pro - the new help desk extensions from RSJoomla!
We have created RSTickets!Pro to meet the increasing companies needs when it comes to giving support with a large amount of new features that will help you create the professional customer support that you need. Among the new features:
* Reporting Tool: you will be able to measure your company support efficiently using these reports. * Knowledgebase: create nested categories with articles * Use knowledgebase articles as predefined answers * Rating system: customers will be able to rate staff's tickets. You will be able to generate reports based on customer's feedback * Advanced backend and frontend ticket management * Parse tickets replies as emails * Global Messages and Avatars added * set an unlimited number of ticket priorities and statuses Read more about RSTickets!Pro or test it on our demo.
2. Introducing RSComments! - the new commenting system from RSJoomla!
RSComments! is the new Joomla! commenting system from RSJoomla! that lets your customers comment on any article, blog or Joomla! extension: * use smilies & BBcode to insert images, youtube and Google videos and code in comments * set specific permissions for every Joomla! user group * spam protection using the built-in Captcha or reCAPTCHA * automatically verify comments using the Akismet system * 5 options for avatars: Gravatar, JomSocial, Community Builder, Kunena, FireBoard * use your own custom themes for comments * 2 options to import comments: using the RSComments! plugins to import comments from JComments , !JoomlaComments , JomComments, JX-Comments or the built-in importer for other comment systems 2 video presentations available on RSJoomla! TV:

* Ep. 26 - RSComments!: Joomla! Comment System, backend presentation * Ep. 27 - RSComments! - Joomla! Comment System, frontend presentation You can test RSComments! on RSJoomla! demo frontend and backend or ask any question to our support department. To RSComments! 3. 50% DISCOUNT on RSForm!Pro this month
Get 50% discount on RSForm!Pro, if you purchase support for 1 domain/lifetime membership until the end of the month.
* Just 9.5 € * No coupon codes needed * 15% additional discount, if you purchase RSForm!Pro 1 domain/lifetime membership with another RSJoomla! extension: RSTickets!Pro, RSTickets!, RSForm!Pro, RSFirewall!, RSSeo!, RSFiles!, RSMail!, RSEvents!, RSMembership!, RSComments! To RSForm!Pro

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