Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Get More Video on your iPhone

Yes iPhone and iPod touch users have YouTube and Quicktime, but what if you video link doesn't work, or it's a standard not supported. Go to vTap and search for you clip. http://m.vtap.com. Beta It runs as an iPhone app or an iPhone/Mobile structured web page. It converts your video to QuickTime. It's in the backgounf so you can do long clips with ease and get you playlist setup. It converts video to iPhone format in several qualities. It has an audio only coversion to iPhone format that is very quick and would be great on a slow 3G connection.

M.vtap.com is a great service for all mobile phone users. Web developers can also use it to keep there iPhone and Mobile device users engaged by offerring them access to your video content without the hassle of doing your own conversion from Flash to QuickTime. Hope to see more of this. No Hulu yet, but would be nice. Of couse iPhone Flash and other adobe plugins for the iPhone would end the need for this type of service, but we can leave that up to Apple developers. (images shown are the Safari vTap version)

Posted via email from howard-development's posterous

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