Saturday, November 28, 2009

Verizon MiFi 2200 - Novatel Wireless Mobile Hotspot

Just unboxed.  Novatel Wireless MiFi2200 VZW Have to connect by USB and intsall VZAcess Manager to get started for the first time.

Not sure if the Windows 7 computer would like that, so I set it up on the XP machine.
I hope the speeds pick up.  I have the MiFi by the window.  Took off the plastic protector.  And running on a fully charged battery.
Speed test: 
Only got 352K down and 452k up so far.
my iPhone was slower at 276kpbs.  So this would not work if I depended on it for connection to the web.
I just need it for a few remotes connections in December. So I'll see if speed picks up.  

NEXT: plugged it in to the charger that it came with and got 661kpbs down and 369k up. And got 595K on the iphone.
Had much better speeds from AT&T Sierra Wireless usb card, but it kept crashing and I couldn't work for more than 30 minutes on it.
Next I want to change my ssid and password.  It's WPA2 but seems like it could be cracked (or even the factory could leak the settings.)
The "Important Info" card says go to for detailed instructions. but that didn't work.
Then went to:
but didnt' work either.  I found out that Novatel built thier site on Joomla, because the link to the Users Guide goes to the admin page:§ion=documents&task=download&bid=30 
I hope they fix that, looks like security risk.
NEXT just went to the default IP .. on my browser. and used the pw: admin and got in.
NEXT: changed the default stuff.  (but for now kept it on Chanel 11 and b/g.)
There are more security settings if you need them.  MAC filtering, Turn off DHCP,  or plan on using this for just your own computers.  Verizon has nice little warning they YOU are responsible if anyone hacks in the steal more than the alotted 5GB of data.

There is port forwarding, but only what's built in.   NO IP CAMERA port. and NO CUSTOM port forwarding.
Application IP Address on WLAN DNS (Domain Name Server) FTP Server HTTP (Web) Server NNTP Server POP3 Server SMTP Server SNMP Server Telnet Server TFTP Server ONLY THESE:
Application IP Address on WLAN  DNS (Domain Name Server)     FTP Server     HTTP (Web) Server     NNTP Server     POP3 Server     SMTP Server     SNMP Server     Telnet Server     TFTP Server    This might only for the Verizon version, but not sure.
Overall the device works well, is very small, speeds around 700K so far for me (with 4 bars on the signal meter).  Gets a little hot, and i'm not sure how I'm going to mount it if I don't want the kids to mess with it.  I'm think a duffle bag or a some kind of zipper case.
Got it on sale for $49 and a gift card coming from Best Buy.    The problem that I'm working on is the contract for 2 years at $59.  I'm going to see if there is a day pass, or if there is some way to put the account on hold when if I'm not going to use if for a while.  So many places have WiFi that I can get by without for long stretches of time.

That's it so far on the Novatel Wireless MiFi2200 from Verizon.

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