Free Music Streaming Search and Pick any song. Free 20 hour free trial now available.
Uses Facebook to signup. In app use your Facebook email & password to sign in. This is like grooveshark but is approved by Apple. Started in Europe with music labels. on iPhone or mobile start here to get free music streaming of almost any song, band or Artist you can think of. It also loads, organizes and streams your own music with paid version. Free version works great and will show how well this is compared to Pandora.
See screens below for overview of Spotify setup and screens.
Uses Facebook to signup. In app use your Facebook email & password to sign in. This is like grooveshark but is approved by Apple. Started in Europe with music labels. on iPhone or mobile start here to get free music streaming of almost any song, band or Artist you can think of. It also loads, organizes and streams your own music with paid version. Free version works great and will show how well this is compared to Pandora.
See screens below for overview of Spotify setup and screens.
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