Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Socio-Pathetic Marketing : Social Network Advertising

Excerpt From LinkedIn Groups: Social Network Marketing

5 Mistakes in Social Media Marketing

From: eMarketing Association 
Date: July 21, 2011
Socio-Pathetic Marketing

LinkedIn Groups

  • Group: eMarketing Association Network
  • Subject: Socio-Pathetic Marketing

Pathetic attempts at social marketing are well, sad. Since we aim for happiness in our marketing efforts, here are some practices you can use to avoid mistakes in your social marketing program (you do have a social marketing program, I assume).

1. Setting up a "group" rather than an "Official Page" for your business on Facebook is usually a mistake. Groups are limited to 5000 contacts, while pages are unlimited. Here is an example of a company page:


While you are on it, it would be awesome, if you could hit the Like button, come on, rock my day! And thank you in advance.

2. Not setting up a LinkedIn Page for your company. It only takes a few minutes, and soon you could have thousands of members. The eMA Network that you belong to has certainly paid off for us, generating 17% of our gross income over the last year, with over 334,000 members. Here you go, check out the link below and get started:


3. Linking your Facebook personal page, twitter and Linkedin posts can be either good or bad. If you have wild risqué party photos, on your personal Facebook page, you may want to think twice about linking that page, with your business network, or on second thought, maybe not. Keeping business and personal separate is a interesting topic, chime in.

4. Over or under posting, tweeting and updating. Nobody wants to know what you had for breakfast, (well maybe Kellogg's), keep it relevant and try to add some value. Over post and you will smother your audience, too little and they will wonder where the love is.

5. Incomplete profile information. Woops, me bad. I just checked my company Facebook profile and there was some important information missing. Don't let that happen to you. Make sure your Linkedin, Facebook and twitter info is up to date, accurate and complete. Use clear photos and logos, and please refrain from changing your profile picture 5 times a day.


The Power of eMarketing Conference, Providence October 12th and 13th welcomes its newest sponsor http://www.sitecore.net/ - SITECORE - GREAT SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR SOCIAL MARKETING PROGRAM! Follow on twitter at: http://twitter.com/#!/sitecore

EARLY BIRD RATES EXPIRE JULY 27 - REGISTER TODAY AND SAVE, LINKED IN PROMO CODE: linkedin (original eh?) EXTENDED TILL 7/27 FOR ADDITIONAL 10% DISCOUNT. Clink the link below (oh and have your credit card ready) and participate in the best conference of your career:


SPEAKERS AND PANELESTS interested in participating in our east coast event should email: reed at eMarketingassociation.com with a bio, photo, speaking experience, area of expertise, and contact information (principals only).

Enroll in our social marketing course below (one of the most distributed on the Internet), and get an edge on your competition as well as boosting your career. Use the promotional code for a 10% discount. (pssst discount code is linkedin). Code expires on July 27th.




Robert Fleming

eMarketing Association

Be sure to power-charge your network by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/emarketingassociation

Twitter: http://twitter.com/eMarketingAssn
Posted By Robert Fleming

 ©2011, LinkedIn Corporation.


Posted via email from howard-development's posterous

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Google Offers - San Francisco Preview

Google Offers Still in Beta, but the offers are selling out.

See sample screens of  Google Offers for San Francisco.

Google Look Inside Sample.    Offer users should check where the look begins.  It might not be a desirable shot.

Posted via email from howard-development's posterous

Saturday, July 9, 2011

FYI: Important Updates from California BOE - July 2011

FYI:  Information From the California State Board of Equalization

--- On Fri, 7/8/11, LIST, BOE Tax Updates <--------------------> wrote:

From: LIST, BOE Tax Updates
Subject: Important Updates from BOE - July 2011
Date: Friday, July 8, 2011, 1:32 PM

New Board of Equalization (BOE) Updates

Sales and Use Taxes
Filing Due Dates
July 31, 2011
·     June tax return (for accounts on a monthly reporting basis)
·     Second quarter return (for accounts on a quarterly or quarterly prepayment reporting basis)
·     July 1, 2010 thru June 30, 2011 tax return (for accounts on a fiscal yearly reporting basis)

News Releases

Special Notices

BOE Sponsored Events

Non-BOE Sponsored Events

Helpful Online Seminars available!! Click here


Posted via email from howard-development's posterous

Friday, July 1, 2011