Saturday, October 31, 2009

New iTunes agreement?

Now I can't buy my song until I read the 60 screens of legal junk. Why not just agree to take my money and I agree to listen to the music. I'm not buying a house here.

Sent from my iPhone

Posted via email from howard-development's posterous

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yahoo Mail Outage October 27th 2009

This was from Monday.,2817,2354774,00.asp

But now, Tuesday night, I can log into my free account, but I also have yahoo hosting and business email, so when I switch to that account it asks me to log-in, but then I'm stuck.

Posted via email from howard-development's posterous

Friday, October 2, 2009

Very Nice Web 3.0 Web Site - Complete Border Package.

The new is a great site to navigate and a great example of Web 3.0 or maybe 4.0. It's nice how it avoids scrolling and keeps everything consise.. and QUICK drill downs and tabs when appropriate.

It fits great on a wide screen and almost behaves like a Software program. Top Nav, Bottom Nav, Tabs, Settings, Cookie Settings and Preferences.

Ony drawback might be SEO .. but with the number of hits the TLD gets I'm sure it won't kill them. Also thier link structure is super simple so this is a huge bonus over other Content Managment Systems and database driven websites. They probably feed a site index of all key words matching the PID of the page.

Looks. like it uses everything available. Flash keeps alot of things in the right borders.

Only a few things, like search results, are framed.

Only found a few times where the naviagation took me out of the main site. (ie. places that should have opened in a new window .. or at least a frame.

Overall this site is very impressive

Also, good use of Social networking and website evangalism. It has the Shareit ( button in a great place and it's Facebook, Twitter and Youtube connection in a great spot. Almost too good, because it temps you to forget about shopping and look at the external content.

DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

Posted via email from howard-development's posterous